Thursday, December 15, 2011

Global Warming!! Past , Present and Future

Global Warming: Past, Present and Future
Earth is a beautiful place to live and it has been the home for many creations of nature from the day it was evolved. But this fairy tale is close to the point of degradation due to many human activities. In this age of globalization and industrialization, many problems are being created by the most intelligent living thing, called “human beings”. Every day the earth is warming up and glaciers are melting increasing the sea level and climate is being more unstable. All these can be summarized under two words: Climate Change. Where will you live if earth is covered with water? This sounds scary but it is the reality and someday we may be surrounded by the water if we do not start to think what we’ve been doing lately.
The global warming is heavily debated subject by many countries in different conventions. The climate of the earth is changing day by day, month by month and year by year. This has created various problems including increase in the sea level, instability in the climates and ecosystem of the earth. Global warming literally means an increase in the temperature of the earth due to global pollution. The nature where we live is being polluted. Many green house gases like chlorofluro carbon, sulphurdioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen dioxide are mixing in the air. Most of these gases are emitted into the atmosphere by vehicles and industries. The gases which cause global warming global warming are greenhouse gases. Water vapor also comes under the greenhouse gases.           Population growth has been to peak during current years. To fulfill the basic needs of increasing of increasing population, more industries are being built up. Since the starting of industrialization, global warming has been the main concern. Vehicles are increasing on the roads which could exhaust greenhouse gases. Deforestation is also the main problem for the current environment. Man lives in this nature, but he is the danger for nature. Many human activities cause the adverse effects in the nature.
The most discouraging effect of the global warming is increase in the temperature of the earth resulting in the change of climate. “Globally averaged surface temperatures have increased by about 0.7 degrees Celsius over the twentieth century” . Due to this increase in the global temperature many glaciers and ice peaks are melting and the sea level is increasing. James Gravy has stated in his book “The Ethics of Climate Change” that:
The average sea level has risen by an annual rate of nearly 2mm since 1960, with the rate increasing to about 3mm per year between 1993 and 2003. The general increase is partly due to thermal expansion…………….It might not seem like much of an increase to you, but if you think about the vastness of the Earth’s oceans, and the volume of water required to make noticeable dent in them, it’s actually an enormous change”.
This might lead to many consequences like flooding in the coastal areas, soil erosion and other problems related to water and coastal habitats.
There are various other problems created by global warming. The ozone in the stratosphere is depleting due to green house gases and many harmful rays such as ultraviolet and infrared are passing through it. These harmful rays can be very dangerous to all the animals and vegetation in the earth which may result in the loss of various components of ecosystem. “Scientists estimated that the water vapor in the supersonic transports contrails would reduce stratospheric ozone by 3.8 percent

            The cause of the unstable climate is also global warming. Many industrial cities are suffering from unpredictable climate change. The temperature is increasing resulting in the increase of the length of summer days. Can anyone imagine about snow in late April? Well, you do not have to go somewhere else to find this example. This happens in Bemidji. This is due to climate instability. The threat of flood in Fargo and Moorhead is also due to the unpredictable melting of snow accumulated during winter.
            Global warming has become one of the major social and political issues. Many organizations are developing various programs to stop this danger. Most of the countries have signed the Kyoto Protocol aimed to control the global warming by reducing the production of greenhouse gases. But there are many questions arising in everyone’s mind about its implementation. All countries should be united to solve this global problem.
There are some solutions to reduce the global pollution. To solve any big problem like global warming there should be planning and these plans should be carried in the mainstream. The most discussed topic in present era to reduce the pollution is the clean coal technology. It can reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and help the environment to be less polluted. This technology is highly debated during the 2008 election and Obama government has always supported it. According to his plan, the clean energy technology will decrease the pollution, create millions of job and help to decrease the global pollution.
The other solution can be the afforestation. The forests near the residential area are reducing due to the increase of population. .com shows that more than twenty percent of the Amazon rainforest is already destroyed and these activities are not stopped yet.

If we keep polluting our environment, one day our own existence will be in danger. There will be poverty and starvation all around the world. Global warming will create many problems such as flooding, erosion and other problems in our health. There will be changes in the climate and we will have to face many hot days. We will not be able to predict the climate and there will be dramatic changes in the seasons. This situation is gradually creeping to our door. I think no one else but we, humans are responsible for this.
Although it does not seem a big problem to most people, we all should know that it can create many more problems than what we have expected. Some of the effects of global warming are already seen in ozone hole, Antarctica and North Pole. So we all should be together to solve this global problem. Developed countries should help developing ones to get rid of global warming. Many assigned duties should be filled by organizations.

Abarbanel, Albert, and Thomas McCluskey (1950). "Is the World Getting Warmer?" Saturday Evening Post, 1 July, pp. 22-23, 57-63.
Abbot, Charles G., and F.E. Fowle, Jr. (1908). "Income and Outgo of Heat from the Earth, and the Dependence of Its Temperature Thereon." Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory (Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC) 2: 159-176.
Abbot, Charles G., and F.E. Fowle, Jr. (1913). "Volcanoes and Climate." Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 60(29): 1-24.
Abbot, Charles G. (1967). "Precipitation in Five Continents." Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections151(5).
Abelmann, Andrea, et al. (2006). "Extensive Phytoplankton Blooms in the Atlantic Sector of the Glacial Southern Ocean." Paleoceanography 21: PA1013 [doi: 10.1029/2005PA001199, 2006].
Abelson, P.H. (1977). "Energy and Climate." Science 197: 941.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Outline Final Paper!

Global Warming: Past , present and Future!

·         The problems: Green house gases, Green house effects, climate change
·         The history : when was it acknowledged ?? (Bush and Al Gote)
·         Causes of global warming
·         Kyoto: China+ US = Independent
·         My opinion : what can be done to minimize the GHG emission? Role of EPA’s ? 

Body :
·         effect of the global warming is increase in the temperature of the earth resulting in the change of climate
·         The ozone in the stratosphere is depleting due to green house gases and many harmful rays such as ultraviolet and infrared are passing through it.
·         Global warming has become one of the major social and political issues. Many organizations are developing various programs to stop this danger
·         To solve any big problem like global warming there should be planning and these plans should be carried in the mainstream
Although it does not seem a big problem to most people, we all should know that it can create many more problems than what we have expected. Some of the effects of global warming are already seen in ozone hole, Antarctica and North Pole. So we all should be together to solve this global problem. Developed countries should help developing ones to get rid of global warming. Many assigned duties should be filled by organizations.

Biblography :

Abarbanel, Albert, and Thomas McCluskey (1950). "Is the World Getting Warmer?" Saturday Evening Post, 1 July, pp. 22-23, 57-63.
Abbot, Charles G., and F.E. Fowle, Jr. (1908). "Income and Outgo of Heat from the Earth, and the Dependence of Its Temperature Thereon." Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory (Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC) 2: 159-176.
Abbot, Charles G., and F.E. Fowle, Jr. (1913). "Volcanoes and Climate." Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 60(29): 1-24.
Abbot, Charles G. (1967). "Precipitation in Five Continents." Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections151(5).
Abelmann, Andrea, et al. (2006). "Extensive Phytoplankton Blooms in the Atlantic Sector of the Glacial Southern Ocean." Paleoceanography 21: PA1013 [doi: 10.1029/2005PA001199, 2006].
Abelson, P.H. (1977). "Energy and Climate." Science 197: 941.

Topic for Final Paper!

Global Warming : Past , Present and Future 

TOP 3 interview 3

Martha -18
Tim - 18

Interview 3 SCORE SHEET

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Interview 3

My third interview was a little different than my previous ones. For this interview, I interviewed a male friend of mine. We both work at the same place but never got into a real conversation but this interview made us become good friends and co-workers as well. Initially, I was little nervous about interviewing him as he was the only male candidate for my interview. Being a female myself, it’s easier and comfortable to ask personal questions to girls than to boys. I did not have that personal question for him though.
                We decided to meet in the library after we’re done with our work at Garvey. We met in the library second floor. I printed out all the interview questions for him and gave to him. Around 9pm, we started our interview and it went for like an hour or so. Besides the interview questions, we discussed a lot more about Srilanka and again the centre focus was on the food.

Personal Review:
This interview was the best among all. It was really fun interviewing V. I had never thought he would be so open to answer my questions. I really had a good time interviewing him. We never got into conversation while working but now after interviewing him, I came to know that he is a very nice person and fun to be around. 
I got to know a lot more about Srinlanka and their culture. Some day in future, I’d like to go to Srilanka and know in depth about Srilanka. I’d like to thank all my Srilankan friends for their time. It was a whole different and a new experience.
Also, I'd like to thank all my of three friends for their time and being to kind to me and sharing every aspects of their country. 


Date of Interview: 11-2-11
Interviewer: Eliza Pokharel
Interviewee: Vidura Wicks
Eliza: What is your good name?
V: My name is Vidura Wicks

Eliza : May I know where you are from?
V : I am from Srilanka.

Eliza: How long have you been in the US?
V:  2 years and it’s been treating me so well that I don’t even miss my home J ( just kidding).

Eliza: Do you like your stay here in the US?
V: Yes, I do. I have a lot of friends. Especially, I have all American friends. We get along really well. I love to party and so are they “the party animals”. Hence, that balances out our friendship’s equation.

Eliza : So , you only hang out with your American friends?
V: No, no I have lot of other international friends from all over the world. Especially, from the Asian countries. I want to learn about different cultures and languages.

Eliza: So, what’s the population of Srilankans in SCSU?
V : I don’t know the exact number but I am assuming there are close to 50 Srilankans J

Eliza: Do you guys have a good bonding among all the people from your country?
V: I don’t have the exact answer for this question (giggling). I try to get along with everybody but yes there are people who like their own personal space. They don’t want to party or get together and we cannot force them, if you understand what I am talking about.
Eliza: Absolutely! J  So do have any plans to go back home after you’re done studying?
V: I haven’t decided yet. I still have 2more years to graduate so I don’t make plans for future. I go with the flow. I live for today.

Eliza: I like your spirit. So what’s your major?
V: My major is Finance.

 Eliza : Cool, Do you like your major? Or Are you planning to change your major or something?
V: I like it and I think I am going to stick with it.

Eliza: So, what would you like to do in your leisure time?
V: I would like to listen to music, watch movies and hang out with my friends and play soccer.
Eliza:  Soccer?? That’s great?
V: Thank you. I am so into sports.

 Eliza: So, what sports do people play in Srilanka?
R: Good question! Cricket for sure!

Eliza:  Okay , so if you had to define yourself in one word, what would that be?
V :  (smiling)  that’s the hardest question ever. I would say impatient.

Eliza: Well, that answers my questions pretty well
V : I did a good job on that one right?

Eliza: Absolutely! By the way, Are you married?
V: No , I am not. I am not even 21.

Eliza: Let’s talk about your family. How big is it?
V: I have only one elder brother. My mom and dad J and  my brother is here in the US.

Eliza: How were you raised?
V:  I was raised in a small family in Kandy, Srilanka. My brother and I used to spend a lot of time together. My mom was a house-wife and my dad worked so we got good care from our parents. My mom looked after us.

Eliza: Is the community you lived in: a male dominating society like other Asian countries?

V: Yeah!! Totally. Men usually go to work and females stay home and look after kids and house hold chores. But it’s different in cities. They both work.

Eliza  :  Do you have a joint family or a nuclear family?
V: Nuclear and I love my family. My mom and dad are back home and here I live with my brother. It’s really good to have your sibling with you.

     Eliza:  Have you ever gone for a long vacation with your family?

      V: No , never got a chance but me and my brother have visited quite a number of places in the US. It’s just me and my brother and some of our common friends.

Eliza: Where did you do your high school from?
V: Kandy, Srilanka

Eliza:   How is the education system in your country?
V: Our country has a long history which dates back two millennia and the Constitution of Sri Lanka provide for education as a fundamental right. The Sri Lanka's population has a literacy rate of 92%, higher than that expected for a third world country; it has the highest literacy rate inSouth Asia and overall, one of the highest literacy rates in Asia. Education plays a major part in the life and culture of the country and dates back to 543 BC. Modern education system was brought about with the integration of Sri Lanka in to the British Empire in the 19th century and it falls under the control of both the Central Government and the Provincial Councils, with some responsibilities lying with the Central Government and the Provincial Council having autonomy for others.

Eliza: Are you planning to join grad school?
V: Yes, certainly! I would graduate first then look for jobs. I can’t wait to graduate.

         Eliza: Why do you think education is important in one’s life?
        V: I think education is the most important aspect of one’s life. If you are educated then you get whatever you   want in this whole wide world. You earn respect and people would take you as an example and would like to follow your principles. Also, when you are educated you get a good job and you make a lot of money. You can live a lavish life. Education is not only important to make money , it’s important because it  makes you think critically and also helps you make right decisions in life.

Eliza : I really like what you just said. T hanks , for your time V! It was great interviewing you
V: No problem , anytimeJ

 Country Report:
"Sri Lanka is an island surrounded by the Indian Ocean, the Gulf of Mannar and the Palk Strait, and lies in the vicinity of India and the Maldives." It is part of South Asia.As a result of its location in the path of major sea routes, Sri Lanka is a strategic naval link between West Asia and South East Asia "It was an important stop on the ancient Silk RoadSri Lanka has also been a center of the Buddhist religion and culture from ancient times and is one of the few remaining abodes of Buddhism in South Asia along with LadakhBhutan and the Chittagong hill tracts."The Sinhalese community forms the majority of the population; Tamils who are concentrated in the north and east of the island, form the largest ethnic minority.From Iresha I came to know that the other communities include Moors, Burghers, Kaffirs, Malays and the aboriginal Vedd people.

Cuisine :
The cuisine of Sri Lanka is similar to that of India. Rice,  is usually consumed daily, can be found at any special occasion, while spicy curries are favorite dishes for dinner and lunch. One of the most popular alcoholic drink is Toddy or Arrack, both made from palm tree sap. Sri Lankans also eat Hoppers which can be found anywhere in Sri Lanka.
Much of Sri Lanka's cuisine consists of boiled or steamed rice served with curry. Another well-known rice dish is Kiribath, meaning "milk rice." Curries in Sri Lanka are not just limited to meat- or fish-based dishes; there are also vegetable and even fruit curries. A typical Sri Lankan meal consists of a "main curry" (fish, chicken, or mutton), as well as several other curries made with vegetable and lentils. Side-dishes include pickles, chutneys and "sambols" which can sometimes be fiery hot. The most famous of these is the coconut sambol, made of ground coconut mixed with chilies, dried Maldivian fish and lime juice. This is ground to a paste and eaten with rice, as it gives zest to the meal and is believed to increase appetite.

Source Cited :
      De Silva, K. M. (1981). A history of Sri LankaUniversity of California Pres. ISBN 978-0520-043-20-6
      Nubin, Walter (2002). Sri Lanka: Current issues and historical background Nova Publishers ISBN 978-1590-335-73-4
        Corea, Gamani; Kelegama, Saman (2004). Economic policy in Sri Lanka: Issues and debates. SAGE. ISBN 978-0761-932-78-9

Wednesday, November 16, 2011